Paradise, SA 5075, Australia

Results from the 2016 Adelaide Eisteddfod Guitar Competition:

SECTION G351 – Classical Guitar Solo – 11 years and under

1. Joshua Owade ( student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member)
2. Arshyah Mirzaei (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy)
3. Austen Owade (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAGE member)

SECTION G354 – Classical Guitar Solo – 14 years and under

1. Illyah Mirzaei ( was a student of the Tuske Guitar Academy)
2. Eton Williams (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member)
3. Connor Whyte (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member)

SECTION G357 – Classical Guitar Solo – 17 years and under

1. Marcus Kha (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member)2. Samuel Miller
3. Jeffrey Wibowo (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member

SECTION G360 – Classical Guitar Solo – Open Age

1. Emanuel Auciello
2. Marcus Kha (student of the Tuske Guitar Academy, SAYGE member)
3. Yueqi Li

Congratulation for all participants.

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